DRT Entertainment (2004)
Catalogue number RTE 00426
War Party
Produced, engineered and mixed by Glen Robinson

The new GWAR album, released on the 26th of October in 2004, and their first on the new label DRT Entertainment. Claimed by GWAR themselves to be even harder, heavier and sicker than "Violence Has Arrived", and their claim just might be true on this one! Not only is this album heavier, faster and more brutal, but it also sports a more professional GWAR than any of their previous albums. Some songs have melodies and song structures vastly different from earlier outings, and it seems that GWAR are taking themselves more and more serious as a metal act with every album they put out. The album has been very well received by not only the rabid GWAR fans, but also metal "knowitalls" worldwide, and has received rave reviews.

This album also features new lead guitarist Cory Smoot (as Flattus Maximus) and the new bassplayer Todd Evans, who also sings on the track "The Bonus Plan" (with lyrics in french!). It might just also be GWAR's most political album of all. Very anti-war and anti-USA if you read between the lines, and a great deal of the songs deal with terrorism and war, in all their gory glory. All in all, a masterpiece of a GWAR album with bonesnapping tunes and killer tracks.

The War Party disc also contains a 2:34 long live clip, where GWAR perform "Womb With A View", as an enhanced bonus. The video looks professional and features a lot of decapitations and dismemberments, as well as Oderus battling Gor-Gor.

1. Bring Back The Bomb (4:23)
2. Krosstika (3:35)
3. Womb With A View (2:26)
4. Decay Of Grandeur (4:05)
5. War Party (3:16)
6. Bonesnapper (The Faces Of The Slain) (4:42)
7. Lost God (3:58)
8. The Reaganator (3:05)
9. The Bonus Plan (1:16)
10. You Can't Kill Terror (3:17)
11. Fistful Of Teeth (3:56)

(click titles for lyrics)