Metal Blade Records (2001)
Catalogue number 3984-14374-2
Violence Has Arrived
Produced by Grant Rutledge and GWAR

This album probably has the finest artwork on any GWAR album. It was done by Adrian Smith (of Warhammer and White Dwarf fame). The album is more metal-oriented than recent GWAR efforts. Doubtlessly this is a boon for some, a bane for others.

1. Hell Intro (1:00)
2. Battle Lust (3:02)
3. Abyss Of Woe (3:38)
4. Anti-Anti Christ (3:14)
5. The Apes Of Wrath (3:15)
6. Immortal Corrupter (5:35)
7. Beauteous Rot (2:55)
8. Licksore (1:41)
9. Bloody Mary (4:07)
10. Biledriver (2:41)
11. The Wheel (3:48)
12. The Song Of Words (3:32)
13. Happy Death-Day (4:18)

(click titles for lyrics)